Step by step,
we’re making film more eco-friendly.
Gold color
Step by step,
we’re making film more eco-friendly.
We reuse film cartridges that are typically disposed of.
Frames packaging uses 95% less paper and 50% less plastic.
We also reuse packaging made from recycled plastic for future orders.
Film processing is managed electronically,
saving on film envelopes.
Negatives are placed in paper sleeves instead of plastic ones.
These sleeves are also designed to fit into albums.
In our development studio, we dispose of unusable chemicals in an environmentally responsible way.
Capture anything.
Your photos belong only to you,
and we’ll handle that with care.
Hidden contact details. Our system only works with the film number—your name and email remain always unseen.
Send films for developing anonymously via Zásilkovna.
Scanned photos are deleted immediately. Once sent, the digital files are erased from all our devices.
Develop Frames
easily from anywhere
Development & Premium scan for only
199,90 CZK
Premium scan
3000 x
Anonymous developing
of your film
Development time
1 - 3 days
from the delivery
of your film via Zásilkovna
We manage development
electronically without
unnecessary paperwork.
Negatives are placed in paper sleeves instead of plastic ones.
FRAMES je komunita kreativních lidí, kteří vytvářejí nové věcí a inovují ty stávající. Naše síla spočívá ve schopnosti neustále posouvat hranice toho, co je možné. Každý nový nápad, výrobek, produkt nebo služba, kterou vytváříme, přispívá k pokroku a zlepšuje svět kolem nás. Jsme hluboce přesvědčeni o důležitosti základních hodnot moderní společnosti. Usilujeme o šetrnost, abychom minimalizovali dopad na životní prostředí. Soukromí je pro nás klíčové - ochraňujme data a informace všech uživatelů našich produktů a služeb. Spravedlnost je základem naší komunity - věříme v rovné příležitosti pro všechny bez ohledu na jejich původ, pohlaví či sociální postavení. A nakonec se snažíme, aby naše inovace byly dostupné co nejširšímu spektru lidí, protože věříme, že každý by měl mít přístup k inovativním produktům a službám. Naším cílem je tvořit, inovovat a neustále hledat nové způsoby, jak přispět k vytváření lepšího a spravedlivějšího světa.
Our best film. Your photos will amaze you.
Our top film - Frames Color is a color film with ISO 200 sensitivity. Its natural saturation and overall contrast ensure technically perfect photos in any lighting conditions. Available in 36 and 20 exposures.
Summer love.
A perfect film for sunny days.
Frames Gold Color, with ISO 100 sensitivity, is designed for daylight. Its color balance is ideal for capturing those bright and sunny summer moments.
Discover detail in every shade of gray.
Frames Monochrome, with ISO 100 sensitivity, is a fine-grain black-and-white film that reveals an extensive range of gray tones with exquisite detail.
More time for taking pictures.
Frames works simply.
We’ll send your ordered films to your mailbox
or via Zásilkovna
When you buy two or more films, we'll send them for free to your mailbox or a Parcelshop using the Czech Post or Zásilkovna.
Order developing and scanning online
Just scan the QR code on your film cartridge to place your
order for developing and scanning
Send your film for developing via Zásilkovna
Place the exposed film in the resealable bag, seal it with the sticker, and send it for free through a Zásilkovna branch for developing
We’ll develop and scan your film
We’ll develop and scan your film, then email you the digital photos. The negatives will be returned to you or disposed of in an eco-friendly manner.